Trio Rose Vase


This can be created using any color rose we have available (red, white, yellow, lavender, orange, pink) If no color is noted in the instructions, we’ll assume red.

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This can be created using any color rose we have available (red, white, yellow, lavender, orange, pink) If no color is noted in the instructions, we’ll assume red.

Optional Tip
Optional Tip
from $2.00
Tip Amount:
Buddy Bear Cream or Brown

This can be created using any color rose we have available (red, white, yellow, lavender, orange, pink) If no color is noted in the instructions, we’ll assume red.

Two Dozen Red Roses Arranged
Free Spirit Roses
from $55.00
Pretty In Peach Roses
from $55.00
Mixed Color Roses Arranged
from $55.00
Lavish Lavender Roses
from $55.00
sold out