Our Story
We have a passion for flowers. New varieties, coming from new countries or from local farms. They are all exciting for us, and we love to share that passion and excitement with our clients. Along with our passion for flowers, is an understanding of how important it is to be involved in our community. We serve on committees for the Dover Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Cocheco Valley Humane Society. As time permits we help with other events and give often to many of the charities in our area.
Come with us on this amazing journey. We couldn’t be more excited to be a part of this town, and a part of your lives.
About the Owner
My life with flowers started early in my grandfather’s garden. I was the only child cunning enough to convince him to let them have a row of flowers in the vegetable garden. Sunflowers were my pick. Radiant and yellow; my favorite color. From there my interest blossomed.
At Dover High School, I was offered the opportunity to take my first floral design class. Since I wasn’t absolutely horrible they let me keep going. At the state level I ended up with a first place in both the horticulture and floriculture competitions through FFA in 1999.
After high school I took some more refined courses at the Thomson School at UNH. Nothing can teach you better than really doing what your trying for though, right?
I applied at every flower shop in a 25 mile radius at least three times. That wasn’t working so I started applying for the position of delivery driver.
Finally someone got sick of seeing my name on applications and decided to give me a chance over Valentines Day. My first day was February 8th. They said that they would think about giving me a real job if I made it through the holiday without crying. I haven’t yet.
I went on to work for larger flower shops and gain more experience from there. What I really wanted was to take the leap and open my own shop.
Everything I’ve learned in life says go for what you want. You certainly can’t fail at something you don’t try, but you can’t succeed either.